A number tool.


A lazy of men will be try to save themselves typing as did not found his calculator.

Buying and selling of stocks, it has Initial minimum. The number is ten thousand.

fn main() {
    use std::env;

    let mut k = env::args();
    if k.len() == 1 {
        println!("Must be input a price!");
    let mut s = "".to_string();
    match k.nth(1) {
        Some(x) => s = x,
        _ => return,

    let num = strtof32(s.clone());
    if num == 0.0 {
        println!("Error, {}", s);
    println!("Input is {}, and get {}", s, (10000.0 / num) as u32);


pub fn strtof32<T: AsRef<str>>(s: T)  -> f32 {
    let picks: String =s.as_ref().chars().filter(|x| x.is_digit(10)||*x=='.').collect();

    if picks.len() == 0 {
        return 0.0;

